Where To Buy Solo Ads For The Power Lead System Progress Review

ricardo walters
3 min readMay 9, 2021


My 30 day challenge of starting a done for you online business with my free lead system, upgrading to lead lightning then upgrading to the Power Lead System, Then The Gold Level to now the Platinum level has let me to current day 7.

Click Here to get my free lead system

During this time I have gone through the easy fast training and learnt how buy my custom domain and link it to the Power Lead System that I joined 7 days ago and how to create endless sub-domains to promote my business.

What is a sub-domain? Asub-domain is a domain name you own the you can create or add prefixes to that domain and connect other links to. It works best on platforms like facebook which hates spammy links or the same links being sent too many times. This is so that your links don’t get flagged.

I have learnt how to use their link tracking to track my ads, and create my custom email address for example: success@yourdomainname.com. I have also learnt how to connect my custom email address to a google gmail address that I created for my business so that my email deliverability is 100% and does not go into spam or junk mail.

I have also learnt how to connect multiple done for you landing pages, create my own landing and capture page and also give away my free lead system which is a free lead generating system that pays me $6 from everybody who upgrades to the $7 Lead Lightning System and residual income from those who upgrades to The Power Lead System and beyond.

Remember this is not my PRIMARY business. This only the marketing system I use to promote my primary business which is a Travel Saving Company that uses Network Marketing as it’s way of marketing the business.

Check it out here directly: https://bit.ly/33gpIYe

I now am at the point on day 7 where I bought my first solo ad of 300 clicks. What is a solo ad. A solo ad is when a person buys click to their website from another digital marketer who has an email list or a list of email in the 1000s. Therefore, if a solo ad vendor has an email list of 10,000 he sends an email out on my behalf with my link in it to his list of 10,000. And when anyone clicks on that email and clicks the link in the email, it goes to my done for you website etc.

So I bought my first solo ad and still going through the simple easy training while I wait on the results. And continue to do my daily tasks of making a video which is what Ii am currently doing writing this description. Posting on medium which this video description will be my medium post. Sharing my post on linkedin, twitter and facebook page. Answering questions on quora, and posting memes on pinterest and facebook page with my domain name watermarked at the bottom of the memes and infographics. Looking forward to day number 8 by the grace of God, amen!

Thanks for reading.

And CLICK HERE to get my free lead system .



ricardo walters

I am a fun loving but hard working guy. I strongly believe that life should not be hard or difficult but fill with joy good health and freedom with God leading.