Is Advertising The Lifeblood Of All Business, True Or False?

ricardo walters
2 min readMay 11, 2021


Advertising Free Lead System On Craigslist

free lead system

Advertising can be tricky so and expensive. However, advertising should never be seen as an expense. Once you can recover your ad spend, then advertising becomes money and you can’t wait to advertise.

Advertisement is the lifeblood of any and all businesses. And should be perpetual and strategically executed in order for a business to grow. One way I do it is, through paid solo ads and Craigslist ads, both free and paid. In this video I showed you how I advertise on craigslist and some results of a solo ad buy. I promote the free lead system which pays me every time someone upgrades to the more powerful system and then to the Power Lead System.

I reveal this because my on my Youtube channel I don’t try to sell to my viewers going against what the gurus teach. I aim to educate and lead my viewers to something that can help them in tremendously. Selling is not on my mind when I make my youtube videos.

I only want to build an audience of subscribers who I show how I am breaking out of obscurity through entrepreneurship using the internet. If I can do this, my hope is others will develop the confidence to follow my path and become financially free.

In a world where so many things can go wrong and often does, and living a life that we know from the day we developed our cognitive skills, we silently agreed with our Creator that this life has an expiration date. We can not get out of life alive.

As a result of this, I am a staunch believer that the lack of money should not add to that reality and people should live life abundantly. In the world of business, advertisement is the way to buy your freedom and learning how to do this will be the difference between penury and extravagance.

I want to give you my free lead system and have you upgrade to give yourself a chance to do exactly what I am doing.

Get it here:

Thanks for reading



ricardo walters

I am a fun loving but hard working guy. I strongly believe that life should not be hard or difficult but fill with joy good health and freedom with God leading.