Abs In 30 Days Challenge

Abs workouts have been gaining popularity in recent years. Ab workouts, also known as core training, have been shown to increase balance, improve posture and muscle imbalances, and aid recovery from injury.

With many different workout DVDs and home exercises, you can work out your abdominal muscles non-stop. But if you want to build some serious abs, these top ab exercises with diet plans will help you on your way.

Abs in 30 days challenge

Abs In 30 Days Challenge

The 4 Best Abs Exercises, With Diet Plans

1. Bicycle Crunch

Notably, its best ab exercise offers a variation of the standard crunch and is one of the most effective and best abs exercises overall. It is a great way to target your entire core, including the upper abdominals, the lower abdominals, and even your obliques. You lie down on your back with both legs extended to perform this exercise.

Abs in 30 days challenge

You should then bring your knees to your chest. Your hands can either be behind your head or placed across the chest/upper abdominals. Raise your legs and arms up the floor, then bring your body into a sitting position.

You should then crunch up as if you were doing a sit-up, but at the same time, you should also raise your legs and feet off the ground. Even though this exercise requires you to use both hands to perform it, don’t forget to use your abdominals!

Bicycle Crunch diet plan: the best foods to eat while cycling crunch includes lean meats, fish, fresh fruits and veggies. Also, try to avoid high-fat foods, cookies, and sweets. These foods slow your fat-burning process and add unwanted calories.

2. Crunches

It isn’t challenging to get a six-pack of abs if you have the right ab exercises. The best way you can exercise your abdominal muscles is by performing crunches. Lying on your back with knees bent about 90 degrees and engaging your core by tightening your belly muscles.

You then lift one arm and the other to raise both off the ground. It is essential to do your crunches with slow, controlled movements. You should make sure that you maintain a correct posture and do not arch your back.

Crunches Diet Plan: You should eat a diet rich in protein and low on carbohydrates before and after going to crunches abs workouts. Such as Haileys Greek yogurt with fruit, chicken sandwiches, and lots of water.

Abs in 30 days challenge

3. Planks

This exercise targets your lower abs. You lie on your back and then perform abdominal muscle exercises until you are exhausted. You then lift your tummy off the floor and hold it before lowering down flat again.

The workout targets abs and provides resistance to chin up exercises that you could do when performing them at home without going to a gym for extra equipment or paying for the membership.

Planks Diet Plan: eating the right foods is essential, especially when exercising your abs. You should make sure that you eat a diet rich in protein, such as fish and chicken. The diet should also include whole grains.

4. Sled Drill

This exercise is best performed with a mini-trampoline. It works on your back and lower abdominals in particular. You should sit on the floor while holding onto the side handles of the trampoline. At the same time, your feet should then be looped over one of the ends of the trampoline. You lift both legs off the floor and hold them before lowering them again. This exercise is a great way to build abdominal strength in no time at all.

Sled Drill diet program: You should eat more proteins that contain healthy fats and carbohydrates. Since sled drill is an intense workout, you should drink lots of water, eat small frequent meals, avoid sugar, and consume more fruits, veggies, and lean protein.


The best ab exercises are the ones that will help you lose weight. While cardio is important, ab workouts are also very useful to strengthen your core and engage your abs.

You can also choose from a variety of effective abs exercises with diet plans available online in order to achieve your dream body. we hope this masterpiece reveals the best way to stay fit in black and white. if you have been struggling to cut belly fat, or need other customized help in your exercise journey, feel free to contact us. We provide premium services and sure recommendations at the most affordable rates in the market.

Check out this article that goes more into the how the abs in 30 days challenge work here: absin30days.com



ricardo walters

I am a fun loving but hard working guy. I strongly believe that life should not be hard or difficult but fill with joy good health and freedom with God leading.